Thursday, 15 September 2016

Green week fun

This week we have been having a great time enjoying our green week activities. We looked at finding other ways to use plastic bags rather than throwing them into our already overused  landfill.
We made them into skipping ropes! It turned out to be quite a full on process but we persevered and ended up with a durable, workable skipping rope - and it's waterproof!

Holiday Fun for Free!

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Friday, 9 September 2016

Paper Plane Challenge

For Chapter Chat, this second half of the term, we are reading the book 'Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing' by Judy Blume. For the first round of chapter chat activities one of the tasks was to make a paper plane and test out it's aerodynamics.
Of course most of the class jumped at the chance to make and fly paper planes around the school and, with the added incentive of winning class points, they put in a great effort into not only the design but the aesthetic as well.
Check out the video of our fun Paper Plane Challenge...