Tuesday 13 August 2019

P4C Ponder 4


  1. Hello my name is Mason from Room 22 at Owairaka School.
    If I could be famous I would be famous for being a Soccer player because if I was a soccer player I would be fit and rich.

  2. Hi Room 22 - I think there is enough time for me to grow up and be famous! I would like to be famous for helping others - people and/or animals. (I really admire David Attenborough.) I think helping others is a super important thing to do.

  3. Hey Room 22 (aka the best class) It is Ava
    I would be famous for getting into a show
    (whats your problem on heihei) then getting into maybe a movie.
    Or be famous for being nice to others ✌✌✌ and freidly to the enviroment 💐💐💐
    Blog ya later

  4. Hi my name is Lucas I am in room 22. If I could be famous I would be in the NBA or being a wide receiver in NFL because I will have a lot of money and do good stuff with it and I really like both of those sports it would be fun. Bye By Lucas🏀🏀🏀🏈🏈🏈

  5. Hello my name is Luca if I were to grow up to be famous I would want to be famous for killing a big terrorist like Seal Team 6 when they killed Osama Bin Laden. What would you want to be famous for?

  6. Hey Room 22,
    If I were famous I would want to be famous for something I'm passionate about like art because than I can enjoy being famous and not be lying to myself.

  7. Hi my name is Vinnie an I am in Room 22.
    I think that I would not want to be famous because then people would come up to me all of the time and it would be annoying if I had to have a meeting and then I could be late for it. But if I had to be famous for something it would be for playing tennis.

  8. Hi im Marley in Room 22.
    I think that I would want to be a famous high jumper because I can jump really high.
    Blog ya later.
    From Marley.

  9. Hi James her from Room 22. If I could be famous I would be famous for surfing because I love the sea and my dad and his dad both did surfing and so the generation of surfing keep's going & I love getting pounded by the waves.

  10. Hi my name is Tamati and I'm from Room 22. if I was famous I'd be famous for being a youtuber and constantly give money away (like Mr.beast). GOODBYE 👋👋👋 (.__________.)

  11. Hi my name is Rowena from Room 22!
    When I grow up to be famous I would be a singer!
    Because, Singing is one of my hobbies and passions!
    (no one heard me sing ever except for my friends.)
    I also ADORE Billie Ellish who is one of My FAVOURITE Singers!
    And That's why I want to be a singer when I grow up!

    -Rowena UwU 🎵

  12. Hi my name is Matilda Room 22.
    When I grow up I want to be famous for discovering many things in history such as what is Stonehenge there and was there really a wooden horse that the Greeks used to beat the Trojans.
    Blog you later, Matilda

  13. Hi I'm Gina,
    I think it is fun to be famous. I would like to be famous for being a super hero. If I WAS a super hero, people would make posters and merchandise for people to bye. Also people would like you and your powers, for e.g you could hurl money and give it to the poor.

    Blog ya later!

  14. Hi Room 22,
    I think I would be famous for helping animals because I love them and being around them would be super cool!! P.s It would also be adorable!
    Another thing would be writing because I love writing and once got atrophy for it!!!
    Bye, Franny

  15. Hi Room 22 It's Saana.
    What I would like to famous for either be being a author, a photographer (kind of like my dad) or helping endangered animals. What would you do?
    Blog ya later

  16. Hi my name is Kody from Room 22. If I was famous growing up I would want to be famous for... Making action movies and doing something that's never been done. I would want to do that because you would get a lot of money and a lot of fame and people would watch you a lot.

  17. Hi Rachael I'm Zion-LI from Room 22. If I could be famous I would be famous for Making A phone that if you are videoing in the kitchen with food you could smell it from the phone still. Blog ya later.

  18. Hi Room 22 Finley here. I think that I well be famous for being the basketball player and I will play for the the Silver Ferns and I will be a basketball player.

  19. Hi it's Eli from your class, If I grew up to be famous I would want to be famous for being a Gamer because I've wanted to be a Gamer since I was 6 years old. Blog you later!

  20. Hay here is Sarah from room 22 and if i wanted to be famous i will be a designer if I was famous or even a model because I love to make dresses and I know how to sew and I love to experiment with clothes.

  21. Hi its Keane from Rm 22. If I could be famous I'd be a world wide known gamer because I've always wanted to be a gamer cause I've loved video games all my life.

    Blog ya later.

  22. I would be famous for the world's best gamer because I like playing games (U_U)

  23. Hi I'm Mansour. think I will be Famous because people will watch me at you Tube and I will have a lot of money.

  24. Kia Ora, I am Ronan. If I could be famous. I would be famous for my YouTube account and content. I would go rich for that. That is what I would be famous for. Blog ya later.

  25. hi my name is Zach and I'm from Room 22 I think it's fun being famous because you can get anything you want basically and I would also do good things like building stuff and all that.


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