Friday 9 March 2018

An extra Green Day clean up activity

 Cleaning up the field - definitely not as much rubbish as last year!


  1. Hi my name is Jackson and all these people are animal hero,s I haft to say hopefully you guys and girls are putting the rubbish one the floor are you?

  2. Hi Owairaka my names Rico. You guys picked so much rubbish up! Hope you guys don't drop rubbish. Be animals savers! From Rico.

  3. Kia ora Room 23,
    Great to see you being super green and tidying up your school field. Good to hear that there wasn't as much rubbish as last year. Where do you think the rubbish comes from? Is it from students at your school or the neighbours rubbish blowing over? What strategies do you think you could use to make sure there was less rubbish again next year or even next week?

    1. Hi Tania.
      Room 23 discussed your questions and here are our answers:
      We think the rubbish comes from both us here at school and from other people who visit the school or live nearby.
      Some strategies we could use to make sure there is less rubblish are:
      1. Ask our neighbours to make sure their bins are closed.
      2. Cleaners after school.
      3. Put up signs saying please don't drop rubbish on our field.
      4. Just don't litter!
      5. Lock down the school when school is shut.
      6. Spread the word that we are a litter free school.
      7. Get the community on board.
      8. Have classes on rubbish duty after lunch.
      Thanks for your questions. Blog ya later. Room 23.

    2. WOW you've thought of some great strategies. I really hope some of these work. Creating the signs could be a great technology project for some designers in your class. It would be a pity to lock down the school, I think if you could get the community on board and encourage respect of your school, this would make a difference. I wish every New Zealander and visitors to New Zealand would just follow number 4 on your list - Just don't litter!

  4. Hello, my name is Bradley and i'm from point england school you guys are tidy kiwi's we done this to. we had a competition for picking up rubbish. The class that win's is tidy kiwi's.

  5. Hello, My name is Simon, You guys are tidy Kiwi's too! By the way I am from Pt england school, ROom 10 and at auckland. These photos are so cool! I love it that your cleaning your environment.By the way we did this too! I can show you the link at the end! Which is right now and I hope you make another blog post! ANd heres the link!

  6. Hello my name is William. My school is Grey Main School. i like that you enjoyed cleaning the environment! At Grey Main School we do property patrol 3 times a year it is a nightmare because we have 300+ students and only 1 class goes around the entire school (school and rugby park) next time maybe do around your community? good bye and a good day!


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