Thursday 16 April 2020

Google Hangout Meet

Hi Room 6.
Tomorrow (Friday 17th April 2020) will be our first Google Hangout chat. Exciting!
I am really looking forward to seeing you all and hearing how you are going in your bubble. I bet you are excited to see each other as well.

Please check your email for details on how to log into our Google Hangout (I also sent one to your parent/guardian so they have the information for you too).

Take a good look at the Manaakitanga poster below and make sure you follow the guidelines before you log on.

Look forward to chatting to you all at 10am!


  1. Um... we don't understand on how to get on to it and on 1 more hour to go so if you could like tell us oh and the email my brother checked and he said that there's no info about on how to get on. Thanks you

  2. We are having trouble as well...?

  3. Only log on at 10am when I start the meeting otherwise the link won't work yet. See you soon

  4. I hope the hangout went well! I liked the Manaakitanga reminders about how to Hangout in a respectable way. I'll remember to do all those things when I pop in and say 'Hi' next week! Happy home learning Room 6.


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