Thursday 25 June 2020

Rubber Egg experiment

During our Science Discovery week we made 'rubber eggs' by leaving an uncooked egg in vinegar for over 24hours (more like 72 hours by the time we got to it!).

Can you describe how the egg felt and what you learnt from the experiment?

Egg shells are made up of calcium carbonate and when it is added to the vinegar (acetic acid) it causes the calcium carbonate to break up.
The calcium dissolves into the liquid and the carbonate reacts to form carbon dioxide gas (this causes the small frothy bubbles).
Eventually the shell dissolves and the carbon dioxide gas will bubble out in to the ari resulting in a 'Rubber Egg!"

After feeling the rubber egg we thought we would test it's 'bouncibility' - check out the video to see how bouncy it was...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Miss O'Shea its me Sakina your first favorite student. I think the egg experiment was fun I tried it at home and it did not work and looks like the egg was not that bouncy. What do you think about the egg experiment??? blog ya later.


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